Rules of Conduct
Forum and Main site
1.) Do not post ANY pornographic content / Content with Extreme Violence etc. - Our moderators will remove the post/thread and will give the profile a warning and will limit his access for a period.
* Neither promote material like the above mentioned content.
2.) Keep all discussions civil and respectful to each other. If you start a discussion it needs to be backed up with good sources and arguments can't be used twice.
3.) Do not be a toxic influence on the website.
4.) Our main language on the website is English if a post is seen by our staff that is not English it will be removed.
Behavioral rules
0.)This is an English server so keep the language in the text/voice channels English. (If a person from another country is in the voice channel)
1.) Maintain friendly behavior in the discord, treat others on how you want others to treat you.- Toxic behavior in general will be punished by moderators and administrators accordingly. This includes spreading nonsense rumors without a backbone about other members of the community.
1b.) Sounds that can be potentially dangerous to one's hearing abilities need to be toned down when asked politely.
2.) Mentioning topics that can lead to discussions where it is known no one will come to an agreement are not allowed within the voice channels. Heavy topics are no longer allowed as they can easily go out of control.
Content sharing rules
0.) No mention of other servers unless they are a partner discord - this has to be regulated with the owner of the discord, partners will receive a special tag that allows them to share their discord in the required channel.
1.) Sharing of media of movies , music and recommendations can be done in share and care
2.) Content creations of streamers/you-tubers can be placed in the content-creators channel.
3.) Music can be played in regular channels but other people need to be informed so that they can move or mute the bot. lore-of-the-hunt can be used to get music in the voice channels
4.) Only use the commands in their specific channels
5.) When a new game is released there is a spoiler period of 6 months. During that period no story related things can be told. Showing can but then only images without a direct context.
6.) Due to the nature of the content in the server the members must act mature in their behavior. This to avoid any conflicts in the future.
7.) In voice channels there is a limited time frame of 5 minutes to mention the events that are happening in the world. Steering towards a discussion can but this should be indicated prior so that people can switch to a different channel.
8)Voice channels general-1,2 have now the 18+ members group due to the content discussed.
Rules of Conduct
NevadaFlush Verified
- Lord of the Hunt
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Wed Nov 02, 2022 10:24 am
- Contact: