Borderlands Game of the Year | Enhanced & Regular

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Borderlands Game of the Year | Enhanced & Regular

Post by NevadaFlush »


The video game Borderlands is during this time and age a cult classic and will always be that as the game did build the foundation for the rest of the series with its defining loot system and enemy scaling

The trailer for the GOTY version of the game.

The game came out in 2009 and since then the Borderverse has been created and in the newer games you'll find references to the moment but now to the actual part of the review.

The story itself consists of doing assignments for several people across Pandora but they are pretty simple and straight forwarded. They use the concept a lot with doing the missions in a certain area. Over the course of the game you'll have to take out 5 bosses and several mini bosses and after the story there are several raid bosses tied with the dlc.

Golden keys
In comparison to the regular version there are golden keys added which can be used to claim guns in chests in major locations of the story. In this game there are 2 locations

Despite the game being a cult classic it has its fair share of bugs although not game breaking. In the enhanced version there are the following bugs.
  • 1. Resolution is not correct shown with incorrect mhz
    2. There is a memory leak within the cut scenes.
    3. Random crashes when entering an area.
    4. Bug with joining

TWH Score
This game would receive for both games an 7.5/10 due to the bugs that are in the game and the replay-ability

(Review will be modified with screencaptures and the video from YT actual in the post)

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